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ANYWOOD Co., Ltd.    5

               4 Aesthetically Pleasing & the Natural Look

              Create any look you want with our natural-looking deck that comes in a range of colors and with ease of
              processing. Add a luxurious touch to the interior and exterior and create an eco-friendly space in beautiful
              harmony with the surroundings.

               5 Antibiosis

              With material safe to humans and friendly to nature, our decking has 99% growth suppression of harmful
              fungi, E.coli, and other germs. It prevents pollution by liquid and is fragrance-free, toxic-free, antibacterial
              building material.

               6 Pest Resistance

              Without any preservatives harmful to the human body, our decking boasts excellent resistance to insects,
              viruses, and weatherproof while emitting healthy far infrared rays and anions to maintain a refreshing

               7 Sustainability

              Our NFC Wood is committed to sustainability, using recycled materials such as post-industrial wood materials, chaffs,
              and nutshells. Any leftover NFCs after installation or demolition can be recycled into new products.
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